Who wants to be vulnerable? "Me, pick me," said no one, ever. Unless you're Brené Brown.
Seriously, it takes courage to step out into the light — especially with our creativity and honest expression. When I was creating visual art, I had to set aside my nature to hide. Even if it wasn't "good enough" or like any kind of fine art my husband was creating. It was mine.
I am driven to create art, write from the heart, cook kitchen experiments, work as an actor, and most importantly — foster connections. I love to connect people. Many of my friends hear me say "Oh, I have to introduce you to so-and-so. You should know each other."
Within our creativity is sharing and connectivity. We each have a unique message to share, something we can use that might help someone else. So please don't wait with your gifts. Just create it anyway. Don't let your insecurities stop you.
If I waited, I'd never make that art, write that book or plan that retreat.
Not everyone will like what we do. Some will but many won't. It doesn't matter. It should not stop us.
I don't expect to be a famous artist, author or actor. In fact, I'd rather not because I'm pretty much a private person and would like to maintain my privacy. However, I am responsible to help others and be of service. I can do this through what I create.
So there you go and here you go. Have at it. Go make something!
Here I am creating a fiberglass sculpture for a competition -- a shark covered in shredded cards. This is the base sculpture. Did I know what I was doing? No. Did I let it stop me? No. Got some technical advice from my husband on the fiberglass piece, then created it anyway.
Card Shark sculpture by Amy LaBossiere. ©2007 all rights reserved. A 5-ft. shark covered in shredded playing cards with obsidian stone eyes and hand-sculpted clay teeth. Sold at auction to benefit an arts organization in New Haven, CT