I try hard to practice surrender but it’s not an easy process. I want to be able to control what is happening. In business, they say to predict and control are two important factors for success. Then why is it that life requires so much surrender?
I look around Still Waters and I see all the work that needs to be done before we can reopen. It is daunting and sometimes paralyzing. We plug away, one task at a time. Some days it feels great and productive. Other days it feels like we are Sisyphus pushing a stone up a mountain.
I’m praying for courage and strength to do the work and let it all unfold in perfect timing. This is my work in the world after all.
I don’t have a “job” anymore. There is no paycheck. There is work and more work in building something. It is so different than my previous life in the advertising world.
As I take a break to write this, I sip my coffee as I sit on the sunrise yoga platform. The leaves are turning bright red and soft orange. It is raining lightly. The air smells like subtle pine, fresh and clean. “Can I do this?” I think. Yes. Keep going.
Still Waters Pond, October 9, 2017