Yesterday I woke up a little before 4 o'clock in morning. I had received an email from Kim, one of my editors. She was making an additional suggestion of changing some of the book content. Wow, she struck a chord. I knew this was the right move for the book and had to work on it. I worked all day. Took a break to walk the dogs and chat for a few minutes with my friend Beth from Boston who was in town and working in my kitchen. Other than a couple of bathroom and coffee breaks, I kept my head down at the computer and worked all day. 11 hours later I was done. I got through all the re-ordering, rewording, adding sections and responding to my inner voice editing inspirations during the process. It was amazing! That was the longest chunk of time I've spent writing since I started on this book journey. It's pretty amazing to work on something for 11 hours. Especially when it's your own creativity. Three to five hours is a normal time chunk for me on any given project when I'm very intense on it. This work would not let me go.
BeeBe, my rescue mini poodle, snoozed while I worked.